CS 212 Fall 2016

Course Website for CS 212 Software Development Fall 2016

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Software Development
CS 212-01 & CS 212-02 • Fall 2016 • 4 Credits

This course gives students experience designing, implementing, testing, and debugging large programs. Students will also get advanced Java programming experience; covering topics such as inheritance, multi-threading, networking, database programming, and web development.

:octocat:  Wiki Visit the Github Wiki for all course resources, including the course schedule and syllabus, lecture materials, homework and project writeups, and other resources (such as how to sign up for code review).
📆  Calendar Visit Google Calendar for the latest office hour, code review, and assignment deadlines.
☑️  Canvas Visit the Infrastructure Canvas website for official grades and quizzes.
👥  Piazza Visit the Piazza forum for all course communication, such as announcements, polls, and to post or answer student questions.